Workshop I: Definitions, Selection & Verification
13 & 14 December 2016, São Paulo
The first workshop within the series focused on the topics Definitions, Selection & Verification and was addressed to banks, potential issuers and investors (13 Dec 2016) and to regulators and potential verifiers (14 Dec 2016).
- Agenda Day 1 (Bank, Issuers and Investors): English and Portuguese
- Agenda Day 2 (Regulators & Potential 2nd Opinion Providers): English and Portuguese
- Yannick Motz, GIZ: GIZ & SEB Strategic Alliance on Green Bond Market Development
- Laura Albuquerque, CEBDS: Leading Brazilian Corporate Sustainability
- Laura Albuquerque, CEBDS: A Vanguarda da Sustentabilidade Empresarial Brasileira
- Lilia Caiado, CEBDS: Lançamento do Guia para Emissão de Títulos Verdes no Brazil
- Mats Olausson, SEB: Green Bonds – Definitions, Selection and Verification
- Harald Francke Lund, CICERO: Workshop Green Bonds
- Tess Olsen-Rong, AIM: ESG Integration in Investment
- Guilherme Hirata, Suzano Papel e Celulose: Green Bond Case Study
- Tess Olsen-Rong, AIM: Verification of Green Bonds
- Luciano Schweizer, IDB: Programa de Assistência Técnica para o Desenvolvimento de Mercados de Green Bonds
- CEBDS Notícias: Workshop sobre títulos verdes atrai empresas e investidores (15 Dec 2016)
- Jornal da Construção Civil: Schneider Electric recebeu encontro sobre Green Bonds para fechar a agenda de sustentabilidade do ano (20 Dec 2016)
- Fator Brasil: Schneider Electric recebeu encontro sobre Green Bonds (21 Dec 2016)