Workshop II: Monitoring, Reporting & Market Aspects
4 & 5 April 2017, São Paulo
The second workshop within the series focused on the topics Monitoring, Reporting & Market Aspects and attracted about 150 representatives from finance, business, politics, academic institutions & environmental consultancies.
- Annelise Vendramini, FGV GVces: Keynote – Climate Finance
- Christine Majowski, GIZ: The Strategic Alliance – Objectives and Approach
- Beatriz Stuart Secaf, FEBRABAN: Brazilian Green Bond Market Development and Guide for Issuing Green Bonds in Brazil
- Mats Olausson, SEB: Global Green Bond Market Update and Recap of Workshop I: Define, Select & Verify
- Mats Olausson, SEB: Monitoring & Reporting – What Do the Green Bond Principles Say? What do Issuers Experience?
- Guilherme Hirata, Suzano Papel e Celulose: A Domestic Issuer’s Practical Experience of Monitoring and Reporting
- Helena Lindahl, Storebrand Asset Management: An International Investor’s Practical Experience of Monitoring and Reporting
- Gustavo Pimentel, Sitawi: External Review & Green Bond Reports
- Thayanne Gasparotto, CBI: Priority Sectors in Brazil
- André Mendes, BNDES: BNDES’ Sustainable Energy Fund
- Mats Olausson, SEB: Pricing, Maturity and Market Access
- Renato Issatugo, [B]³: Requirements to Issuing and Listing Green Bonds in Brazil
Breakout Session:
- Examples of Green Bond Impact Reports:
- Guiding questions