Sustainable Stock Exchanges

Promoting green finance

The SSE Initiative’s Green Finance Advisory Group, of which EMDF is a member, explores which role stock exchanges can play in advancing green finance. The group developed practical recommendations for stock exchanges and their regulators based on current best practices. The recommendations were translated into a how to-guide for stock exchanges and regulators to best promote and grow green finance. The report How stock exchanges can grow green finance, which was launched by the SSE Initiative at the 23rd United Nations Climate Summit (COP23) in Bonn/Germany, provides recommendations on the following key topics:

  • Instruments available to stock exchanges to promote or grow green finance
  • Disclosure options and reporting methods for environmental aspects
  • Overview of best practices
  • Possibilities for stock exchanges to engage in training and guidance
  • Policy implications and opportunities
  • Ways for stock exchanges to participate in the wider policy agenda



  • Launch at the SSE Initiative’s Green Finance Dialogue alongside the 23rd United Nations Climate Summit (COP23) in Bonn, Germany (16 Nov 2017)


EMDF | Emerging Markets Dialogue on Finance